Claim for First Time Central Heating grant - Jobseekers Allowance

Free Government grant for Jobseekers allowance

Claim your First Time Central Heating grant without delay if you receive Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) that is Income based – Claim now!

Typically, you can apply for Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) to help you when you look for work. Please double check your benefits paperwork for Jobesekers Allowance before proceeding as it may have been replaced with Universal Credit. If you receive Universal credit (the ‘new style’ JSA) then Click here to proceed with your application for Government Grant.


First Time Central Heating grant 2022 are available for a wider group of people claiming benefits, but they are mostly based on how much energy it is possible to save per household with such improvements. It will be taken into account if you live in a house or a flat, and if the property is close enough to some gas supply. If there is no gas nearby, you might be required to contribute towards the cost of installation of a gas tank.

I receive JSA that is Income based.